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In the beginning, OverBlog was just three software engineers who were really excited about the web. The year was 2004, blogs were popping up everywhere, and the web was making it possible to share and transmit knowledge like never before. There was just one little problem: the only people who could create blogs were a relatively small number of insiders who knew how to work with code...

Our three cofounders, Frédéric, Gilles and Julien, all shared the same vision: they believed that everybody should be able to share their passions on the web with nothing more complicated than a click. They needed to bring blogging to the people! To do this, the technical barriers had to be broken down. "We're going to build a super simple tool that anyone can use to create a blog. Even our moms!"

It all started in an apartment in Toulouse, France. A few months later, OverBlog was born, giving bloggers a platform for their unique and wildly diverse blogs, and giving rise to entirely new kinds of creative projects, like the Belgian mom's photonovel blog starring stuffed animals, or the blog of a sales rep who posted photos of his bare feet in every new city his work took him to. It was happening!

At a certain point, we decided to try an original business model: revenue sharing. It had never been done before, and we're still the only ones doing it. In other words, OverBlog offers bloggers the option to display ads on their blogs. We then share any revenues from these ads with the bloggers. The arrangement is transparent, there is no obligation on the part of the blogger, and it is consistent with OverBlog's vision.

In the years that followed, the team grew. Our priorities were to continuously improve what we already had, and to develop new features to keep pace with the social web. Thousands, and soon millions of people created blogs on OverBlog, initially in France, then Italy, and then all over Europe.

During this time, people started using the web in different ways, which gradually altered the role played by blogs. With the explosion of social media, blogs ceased to be the focal point of users' online activity. Today, people are using Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube. And sometimes they also have a blog. Now there are many platforms we can share on, greatly enriching our ability to express ourselves. But the problem is that our precious content is scattered all over the web, and it's getting hard to manage it.

This is why we've completely transformed OverBlog. We wanted to put the blog back in its rightful place. You see, we think that blogs should once again be the place where we keep all of the content we care about. To make this happen, we had to turn everything inside out, challenge our own assumptions, and start over from scratch. And we're really proud of the result.

The new OverBlog is your online home. It's where you do whatever you want, where your content is your own, where you call the shots. It's a showcase for everything you publish, no matter what form it comes in. It links you to all of your social sites by letting you share all, or some, of what you publish online. Your online home is a safe and secure place where you can keep everything that belongs to you. Effortlessly.

OverBlog lets you share the best of yourself.